Three people wearing white lab coats looking at petri dish.


改善你所在社区的福祉,尤其是最弱势群体的福祉. 在火博体育 School of 健康科学s, you will learn how to care for patients, assist in medical teams, and teach people how to live healthy lives. You can learn to help pets too!

我们有26个学位和证书课程,将快速启动您在健康科学领域的职业生涯. These programs can be completed in two years, and some of them can be done in less than a year, while others can transfer directly to a bachelor's degree program. 除了, some of our courses and programs are offered online, meaning they are flexible and convenient.

As more 和更多的 people have access to health care, 我们需要更多富有同情心和技术娴熟的医疗服务提供者——从计费到护理再到紧急医疗服务, 和更多的. 在火博体育寻找成功,并为一个有意义的职业生涯做好准备,这将影响你的社区.

An Immersive Learning Experience

As a health science student, you'll gain hands-on experience in our 健康科学s Simulation Center. 这个模拟实验室可以帮助您建立提供高质量护理所需的技能. 我们的教练将在每个模拟中为您提供深入的指导. 除了, each room is equipped with cameras, 麦克风, and monitors so instructors can debrief you and suggest improvements.


Students working in Simulation Lab and manikin lying in hospital bed.

健康科学 Degrees and Certificates

Dental Hygienist cleaning a patient's teeth.作为一名牙科保健师, 你将会是牙医队伍中不可或缺的一员,在帮助病人保持口腔健康方面发挥不可估量的作用. Helping to 治疗 oral diseases, providing preventive dental care, 在我们的副学士学位课程中,你将学习拍摄x光片并检查牙齿疾病的迹象,指导病人进行有效的家庭护理.  You can apply this degree to a B.S. 在口腔卫生方面.

口腔卫生 Degree, AAS

救护车Skilled emergency medical service workers are in high demand. 在火博体育, 你可以从一个学期的证书课程开始,或者获得一个学位,成为一名护理人员. 探索我们的四个证书和两个学位课程,看看哪一个是适合你的.

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Certificates

Paramedic Degrees, AS, AAS

Stethoscope lying on patient chart.As health insurance becomes more complex, the need for qualified medical office workers has increased. 获得医疗保险编码员/记账员证书或卫生信息技术证书.A.S. to be a part of this fast-growing field. 


Medical Insurance Coder Biller Certificate

Health Information Technology Degree, AAS (Online)

人体x光片通过获得理学副学士学位(理学学士学位),为医学领域的高级职业做好准备.S.) degree in 医学科学. 完成学位后,您将学习MCAT所需的大部分课程. 除了, 你将准备转到一个四年制的学校获得学士学位,朝着你的目标成为一名医生, 外科医生, 牙医, 或兽医. 

医学科学 Degree, AS

Person putting thermometer in pocket of scrubs通过获得护理副学士学位,作为护士站在病人护理的第一线. 您还可以通过我们与新墨西哥大学的合作项目获得护理副学士学位和学士学位.


护理 Degrees, ADN, BSN

Child sitting in person's lap这个不断发展的领域帮助受伤或残疾的人发展参与他们想要和需要做的事情的技能. 获得副学士学位,成为一名职业治疗助理,帮助客户实现独立.

Occupational Therapy Assistant Degree, AAS

Person's hands on knees of patient.Be a part of one of the fastest growing occupations in the nation! Working closely with physical therapists, 你将在帮助所有年龄段的病人恢复或保持他们的独立性和积极生活方面发挥关键作用. 我们既提供传统的校内课程,也提供在线混合课程,让学生获得物理治疗师助理的副学士学位.

Physical Therapist Assistant Degree, AAS

Person wearing scrubs, adjusting IV medication.The Associate of Science (A.S.健康科学预科学位是一个灵活的课程,可以最大限度地提高你转到四年制学校的能力,同时也为你进入许多相关的健康领域做好准备. 这包括职业治疗、物理治疗、呼吸治疗、护理等等.

Pre-Health科学 Degree, AS

Flower arrangement lying on casket.Are you interested in a career in the funeral industry?  你有没有考虑过从事殡葬师、防腐师、殡仪师等职业.  在火博体育, 预备殓房科学证书将为您准备所需的先决条件课程,使您能够申请殓房科学AAS.  此外, 火博体育与阿拉帕霍社区学院有一个转学协议,可以帮助你完成你的AAS在太平间科学.

Pre-Mortuary Science Certificate

Pharmacist handing customer a prescription通过成为一名药剂师来帮助人们理解和服用药物. The Associate of Science (A.S.新墨西哥大学(UNM)的药学博士学位和高级证书课程为您直接进入新墨西哥大学(UNM)的药学博士课程做准备. 参加该计划的学生将成为新墨西哥大学药学院早期保证计划的一部分.

Pre-Pharmacy Degree, AS and Certificate

肺部x光片.评估, 治疗, 并通过获得呼吸治疗副学士学位来帮助患有呼吸系统疾病和其他心肺疾病的患者. 加入这个快速发展的行业,成为医疗保健团队的重要成员.

呼吸治疗 Degree, AAS

Three people performing surgical procedure.作为外科第一助理,你将协助外科医生确保手术安全. 在火博体育, 您将接受动手实验室培训以及协助现场外科手术. Earn your surgical first assistant certificate in 12 months. 

Students can complete the Surgical First Assistant Certificate 100% online.

Surgical First Assistant Certificate

Hands with surgical gloves, handling surgical tools.Be an integral part of the surgical team by becoming a surgical technologist. 您将学习如何通过管理手术设备和准备手术室来创造一个无菌和有组织的手术室环境. Prerequisites required.

外科手术技术 Degree, AAS

Black cat and yellow cat.如果你想成为一名合格的兽医技师,我们的在线课程是一个严格而灵活的途径, 兽医助理, 或者实习经理. 看看为什么我们的毕业生在大多数测试类别中经常比全国平均水平高出15%到20%.

Veterinary Certificates (Online)

兽医技术 Degree (Online), AAS


火博体育提供三个快速通道项目,这样你就可以在更短的时间内开始你的职业生涯. 培训成为合格的护理助理、药房技术员或放血技术员.

Two people wearing scrubs, looking over a medical chart.Learn to assist patients in long-term care facilities in this 8-week course. You will master medical and bedside skills through training in our classrooms, 仿真实验室, and local healthcare facilities.

Certified 护理 Assistant, CNA

Pharmacist scanning a prescription.在16周内完成该证书课程,以快速开始您作为药房技术员的职业生涯. Along with classroom learning, 作为课程的一部分,你将完成实习以获得现场经验.

药学技术人员 Certificate

Phlebotomy student drawing blood.通过我们的抽血证书课程,成为一名抽血师,协助医院和实验室. Learn about the theory of blood specimen collection and processing, and then gain 100 hours of experience to increase your skills.

放血技术员 Certificate

健康科学 Career Pathways

As our population has more access to health care, there is a need for more health care workers to meet those needs. 根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, health care job employment is projected to grow 16 percent from 2020 to 2030, 加约2.600万个新增就业岗位.

通过在火博体育的培训,成为这个回报丰厚、发展迅速的领域的一部分. See below for common careers from our health science career pathways

Our health science graduates have found rewarding careers at: